Sromik Jigyasha app is interactive. The user have access to – /ni. Preloaded information and seek information as need /nii. Legal advice and query through instant message service and voice calls to hotlines/niii. Submission Application through- Self-help groups (SHG)- to- Paralegal-to-Staff Lawyer. /n/nRMG Workers can share his/her problem with SHG member/leader. The SHG leader will seek advice from Paralegal. The paralegal will provide remedy to the worker/SHG member and where needed he will submit application to the staff lawyer instantly using the application. The staff lawyer then check the application and response whether it is accepted or not as well as the status of the application. The beneficiary/applicant will get a confirmation of receipt of his/her application. /n/nThe App also consist of information of the service providers, their address, and type of service they deliver, contacts and hotlines. It may include GO/NGOs, legal service providing organizations and persons, Trade Union (TU) and TU federations.